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Health & Safety COVID-19 Precaution Guidelines

GlobalHealth Physiotherapy Clinic continues to provide both in-person appointments with our physiotherapist, as well as virtual appointments for patients that are considered high risk with underlying health conditions or for patients that simply feel safer to have physiotherapy online.


GlobalHealth Physiotherapy Clinic is closely monitoring the recommendations by Toronto Public Health to ensure that all measures are implemented to reduce the possible risk of COVID-19 transmission. Now more than ever we are committed to providing the best service we can with many additional precautions in place for your health and safety.  We must follow strict infection control standards as always, and place additional precautions in place to maximize everyone’s protection.

****Attention Patients*************************************************************************************************  

If you have any of the following symptoms, we recommend you consult with your family physician or contact Toronto Public Health (416) 338-7600.  

Fever, New Onset of Cough, Difficulty Breathing, Chills, Fatigue, Headache, Sore Throat, Runny Nose, Stuffy Nose, Loss of Sense of Smell or Taste, Hoarse Voice, Difficulty Swallowing, Nausea/Vomiting, Diarrhea, Stomach Pain.


Screening New Patients:

All NEW patients booking an appointment over the phone will be screened for sign and symptoms of COVID-19 via a checklist questionnaire.  All new and existing patients are screened at the main entrance prior to admission to the clinic on every visit, with a infrared thermometer and COVID-19 checklist questionnaire.  A list of screening questions is available on

Masks/Protective Shields:


Masks will be mandatory for all patients, health care practitioners and staff to wear upon entering the clinic. If you arrive without your own mask, we will have a medical mask available free of charge.  Where physical distancing is not possible during manual treatment of a patient, our practitioners will wear a protective shield for additional infection control measures.

Physical Distancing:

All patients must arrive on scheduled appointment times.  Please do not arrive ahead of time as we are minimizing infection risk in higher traffic areas.  The clinic undergoes a detailed disinfection routine in the last 5 minutes of every hour, prior to arrival of patients.  If you arrive early, you will be asked to return at the appropriate time. We also ask that all patients arrive on their own without accompaniment, unless physically necessary, or accompanying a minor for consent only. All seating and equipment have been arranged to adhere to the minimum 2 meter distance from each other.   As well, patient appointment times have been spread out to limit number of patients in the clinic.

Hand Hygiene:

All patients and staff wash their hands with soap and water before and after each appointment.  There are sanitizer stations located through-out the clinic, including the main entrance upon arrival.    

Clinic Hygiene:

All staff are responsible to ensure that all high traffic areas, including high touch contact areas are thoroughly disinfected throughout the hour multiple times.  All private treatment rooms, including equipment, plinths and walls, are disinfected between each patient as well.   Please note that waiting rooms no longer have magazines or any materials that are hard to disinfect.  The washroom will be kept off limits to reduce the risk of transmission.  Main reception Pens will only be used once and then disinfected. You will be asked to take a pen from the “Clean” canister and place it in the “Used” canister when finished.

Personal Belongings:

We ask that all patients and staff attend the clinic with appropriate wear and minimize all non-essential possessions and personal belonging brought into the clinic.

Additional Safety Precautions:


*All windows and doors are kept open to ensure continuous fresh air throughout the clinic. 

*Plexi-glass at main reception desk.

*Continuous Air Filtration System

If you have any inquiries feel free to reach out to our admissions team.

Global Health Physiotherapy Team

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